Are you a Caregiver?
Nearly one out of every four U.S. households is involved with caregiving (23% or 22.4 million households). Nearly 7 million of them are long distance caregivers.
Caregivers can be anyone such as family, friends, caring neighbors or faith community. Caregivers can provide a range of support from shopping, snow removal, a friendly visit, and more direct support such as meal preparation, bathing, housekeeping and 24 hour care. Can’t find what you need? Call the resource center at 316-660-5120 to speak with a resource specialist.
Links to Helpful Resources
Helpful caregiver links and resources here
Helpful publications and brochures available here
Helpful videos here
Caregiver Education
Caregiver education is available throughout the year. Many staff at CPAAA can provide a variety of educational presentations to your group or club. The Caregiver Coordinator is also available for consultation or presentations.
Call 316-660-5120 to schedule a presentation.
Caregiving Step by Step DVD (PDF) - available for $10 this DVD offers practical education on how to complete tasks for your loved one safely. Click above to view the content of the dvd. To order contact 316-660-5120.
Caregiver Support Services
Caregivers can receive support and services to help you continue to take care of your loved one and also take care of yourself. Find out more about Caregiver Support services or sign up for the Caring for the Caregiver Newsletter by contacting 316-660-5120.
Safety and Fall prevention
It is not uncommon for caregivers to visit a loved one and suddenly realize something has changed. 10 warning signs your loved one may need help (PDF).
A risk for falling can increase with health decline or can be a result of decreased balance or home design. Learn more about fall prevention (PDF).
Caregiver Chat
Join the conversation, chat regularly with the caregiver care manager at CPAAA and provide your feedback and expertise to a posted topic each week. Follow the weekly topics on CPAAA's Facebook every Friday by clicking on Caregiver Chat.
Caregiver Stories
Every caregiver has their own story and unique challenges. However so often there are similar to other caregivers and often we can learn from each other. Read the caregiver stories, learn some helpful tips and know that you’re not alone.
Caregiver Newsletter
This quarterly newsletter offers useful information and resources that will help you through your caregiver journey. The Caregiver Coordinator and CPAAA staff develop informative articles to offer useful tools and topics of interest to caregivers. Review past newsletters by clicking the button below. To receive a newsletter call 855-200-2372 or email info-sc@cpaaa.org.